Wednesday, October 10, 2012

final product! WOO!

FINALLY! im finished! i cant believe it i actually got to this point and i honestly cannot express how happy i am. im really proud of how bobbie turned out and i cant believe that he was even better than i expected :)

just a few notes though, first, i wouldn't mind working on it more as soon as semester finishes. i've learned alot about 3d and i would love to expand what i know further. second, i would probably work on my camera angles more so it would feel like he is more into the scene. i would also probably focus more on texturing and modelling the character. though, rigging wont be so bad but again, i need to learn more about it in order to get there.

i will miss this class but i might maintain this page as my main blog page for my work in progress for future work in the industry and freelance. so, this will definitely be kept update from time to time. :)

to end this post, i would like to thank Robbie Reid and Andrew Joseph for being awesome teachers and friends and stuck by me through all my ridiculous amount of questions and partial mental breakdowns (LOL). Grirk Plongmak, Welson Ling and Kevin Fu for helping me with rendering out my scenes after 6 hours of my stuff breaking. :) Lastly, i would like to thank Jarrad for supporting and teaching not just me but the class everything about visual effects and what we should look for and all that jazz.

the final product for this project will be submitted in class :)

will definitely blog more soon. but for now, au revoir! :)

trish x

Monday, October 8, 2012

showreel breakdown and turntable

i've managed to create a breakdown video that will show what i've been doing for my robot.

i've made this with quicktime's screen capture program which was easier to use as compared to microsoft silverlight, which is a screen capture program for windows. credits to for giving me the music for my breakdown reel.

i also created a turntable to showcase bobbie's texturing. its pretty amazing what i've learned from good company and to be able to create something in such a short period of time. i definitely can say that i will practice more on the 3d side of things.

the better resolution version can be found with me and is to be submitted to the class.

final video to be uploaded soon!
trish x

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

post production and more bits and pieces

i was able to finish my scenes as planned but i know there is still alot to do in such a short amount of time.
i am quite proud of the turn out and i really cant wait til this is finally finished.

for most of the scenes, i had to go and re render most of them again. i know, its pain in the ass to create but its worth the time especially if you are aiming for perfection (which is what im doing). i had to re render out the scene where the robot has to be a blur in the background when i the tap is dripping, when he poses at the end and when the tap get hits by the wrench. these scenes require my attention the most and i have to redo every animation on it, plus the different passes, to get it to the level where it is now.

here are just some snippets of the scenes in after effects. these are being colour graded to suit the scene and added with particle effects for a more realistic feel.

the last bit that i really have to do is add the wiggle on the tap scene. the reason why i wanted to add the wiggle is because of it will give us the hint of strong the impact as he hits the tap. and to do this, i had to look at the tutorial for it which can be found here: it was a really easy tutorial to follow and it explained to me the purpose of each tool in after effects.

now off to add sound effects!
will blog more soon!

trish x